Monday, May 20, 2013

A love letter to my Mother

This posting was meant for Mothers Day but I needed my Mom to see it first.
A love letter to my Mother

Thirty-two years ago you were presented with startling news. You were carrying a child and you were only a child yourself. Not yet 16 years old and you would never know what the teenage experience would be. You choose a path that would be difficult, stressful and scary because you choose to keep me.

I can only imagine what difficulties life served you because of your choice. Thirty-two years later, I can say thank you. The choice to keep me and raise me will have ripple effects for generations to come. One day when I have my own kids and grandchildren, they will know about you and your love for me.

Our relationship was not always perfect but it was honest. You gave me advice that was in my best interest even if I didn’t like it. You loved me so much that when I needed comfort, I knew exactly where to go. Your hugs took every worry away and your encouragement lifted me up.

Mom, I want you to know that you did a great job raising me. Never doubt who you are and what your love did for me. I have become a person who is happy with her life, feels loved and lacks nothing. When I think of you I smile because I was blessed and lucky. I was lucky that in 1981 you choose to keep and love me. Thank you!