Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Bungee Jump

October 6, 2012

Today my travels take me to a place where the ocean is a sea blue and the scorpions hide from the heat. I’m in beautiful Cabo San Lucas and what a sight to see. A combination of lush greenery, cactus and sand. I’m told that it’s not always this green. A succession of storms graced the area for several days and provided just the right amount of water to add a touch of color to the landscape. When I close my eyes, I can hear the ocean roll against the sand as it breaks. A noise that a Women from Chicago is not accustomed to but can fear and appreciate.

This trip is extra special for me. If I had a bucket list, I would be able to cross one off my list. I experienced the great phenomenon called “The Bungee Jump”. What rush and fear all rolled up in one ball of excitement. I can’t tell you how many feet down the jump was but all I knew I was going to be hanging by my ankle‘s. Bungee jumping has always been a fascinating activity to me. One person crazy enough to throw themselves over a cliff and to just hang freely. Leaving your life in the hands of a rubber rope and the person who set-ups your bungee jump. Most people might think I’m nuts for wanting to do an activity that might cause me to be a “splat” at the end of a cliff. Well, Queen of crazy I guess I’am and was.

I have played out before the scenario of me bungee jumping in my head and wow that was not what happened. I imagined I would be so scared that my fear would paralyze me and I would possibly have the urge to vomit. After maybe throwing up several times I would jump and be great. I would jump in perfect form. My head up, legs together and as I was coming back up I would perform several flips.

Now what really happened. I actually was unusually calm and excited about the jump. I believe what helped me to feel calm was the activity before. I was at a place called “Wild Canyon” with two other friends. We originally went to zip line and we did. The zip line experience felt like freedom. Their is something to be said about flying from one cliff to another on a zip line. The air feels great against your cheeks and it’s a rush to feel the speed. Before you reach the other side, you can take a look over your side and realize how high you are. The combination of boulders, sand and the blue and white sky had never looked more beautiful to me then at that height.

After the zip line activity, the decision was made to try the bungee jump. A cage like contraption with a see through floor took us between the two cliffs.  Can I stop and say, "who thought it would be funny to scare people more with a see through floor"? 

 First, my very brave friend jumped. Now here was my turn to live out a dream.  At this point, I was still imagining myself as a graceful bird flying in the air. A complete freedom. Feet together and one, two, three ......jump!!!!!! My breath was caught and all I could see was my vision tunneling down towards the ground. As quickly as I jumped, was as quickly I hung upside down.  I'm pretty sure a few choice words tried to escape my mouth as I spiraled down but they were swallowed in silence.

What an amazing rush and experience the jump was. I completed something in my life I always wanted to try.  I just wish my fall was as beautiful as I imagined it to be. When I had a chance to see the pictures of the jump, beautiful was not the best description. I think the phrase of "A falling bird doing the split" might of been better. Nevertheless, I have no regrets.

The falling bird!