Is travel an addiction? I have to ask myself this question as I once again pack my suitcase. I find myself needing a fix when I don't travel. The fix of meeting new people, the sound of the plane engines and allowing my mind to drift for a bit. Is this travel addiction happen to only a specific type of person? Well, the truth is that I think anyone can become addicted to travel.
The addiction catches you by surprise at first. You surprise yourself because you realize you are fantasizing about somewhere besides home. You are scared but curious. Your scared to pay to much, will the plane ride be to long, will it look the same in reality as in your dreams. Your desires get the best of you and you take the leap. You schedule your first trip that isn't related to a family visit.
You decide to go somewhere warm and sunny. Once at your destination, you can't believe the pure pleasure you are having. It fills your soul in a way that you can't imagine going home. Once home, you can't stop thinking about it. You drive to work and your remembering the heat against your back. Your boss talks to you and your only thinking about the beach. Yup, you are definitely addicted to travel.
Travel can take you from the ordinary to imaginary. Once you allow yourself to visit places you only thought of, it changes you. It becomes apart of you and makes the world your playground.